Saturday, August 29, 2009

DawnQeckKeJun & KohWenZe :D
Is attached to each otherr.
Lastlong ohhhhh ~ :D

Ohyeah .
My extension's successful ! :D

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I owe you $2 ley.
I failed:(

My chinese sucks kay?
Fuckdieme :B

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Learn to love yourself before loving anyone else.

'luvdie all gans, (:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Woohooooo ! :D
What a cute blogskin I've (:
Don't rape it pleaseeee.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hiphip hooray !
Changed spectacles.
Will get it on Tuesday.
Going for th whatever carnival tomorrow.

Hiphip hooray !
Changed spectacles.
Will get it on Tuesday.
Going for th whatever carnival tomorrow.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Consider me lucky , to have met you in my life (:
All I can help is to give up my hope on you :(

20 of August 2009 ™
Hello all , peepes ^^
PussyQueen's back ! :D
Shout Hooray ! (:
Yeah , retarded me.
Went to MacDonald's at 8am today.
Met Dawn , Jane & Keyan.
Yeah , surprisingly , I'ma first to reach :D
Hiphip Hooray !
After that , went cheers & walked to school for oral(:
Yeah ,I know I oral very noob.
Tried my best alr. Fail also neverminds.
Hah , also me first to reach bustop -.-
Met Karis , Dawn & Yeeyong.
& went to Dawn's house.
Went eat at AhMei's Cafe & swear not to go ther again.
Wasted my $8. FuckYourMama.
Went minitoons buy mirror.
then went NTUC buy sushi :X
Yeah , not very funny lah , normal whats.
You never go NTUC before uh ?
Went Lk & Monopoly-ed :D
& went home changed & went Raiders.
But , cannot go in D:
So , me & Crislyn`Mama ♥ went chambers.
& after that Virtualand.
I know I very lame , I admit.
7th Month's back , Be careful horhs.
Don't see what you don't need to see (*
Bye you B I T C H ! :P

Obsessed-By MariahCarey
Nice worhs ! :D
Bye (:

& For you information ,
I won't be doing replying of tags now.
& apparently , its a waste of time.
So , I've suggested to reply your beloved tags on th tagboard.
& my tagname will be {X} I N Y I ♥ .
Thankyou verymuch ! :D
& do continue to tag me as to let this blog alive :D

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thankyou Crislyn`Mama for helping me upload these pictures :D
Luvyou loads ! :D
& Yeah , meetup sooooooon kay ? :B

Hello all ^^
Can't believe what Jane`Mama told me on th way to LK.
& Thank her for accompanying me to LK.
To Jane`Mama ♥ :
& yeah , me & ______ hates ______ lah.
Now then you know how mean she is uh.
Hate her to th maxzxc ! :D
`Luvyou Mama <3

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hello , Miss .
I'm not even stopping you from you two stead-ing.
So stop spreading rumours that you two don't want because of me cans ?
I also don't wanna be th lightbulb between you two yeah ?
& another thing ,
So whats if you don't want me in th fam ?
You think I give a damn fuck ?
Nope , I don't (:
For what you think is it :D
& I think , is you who is not welcomed (:
& for what I know.
You're just a irritant to all of us D:
In case you don't know (:
& Serves you right & you'shld know what I'm talking about it (:
Bye :D ^^

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Currently at Dawn's house paqiuceng (:
Dawn's showering in a pot of roses (:
No lah , joking only :B
Later go lingkwang post about somebody.
Later got mentoring & tuition w Dawn & Leeling :P
Shout hooray ! :D
"Hooray !"
Yeah , just being lame & bored :(

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hah , back to post :D
Watched UP :D
Sit w Yeeyong Jie ;D
Hahs , quite nice worhs :D
I recommend you (:
Bye :D

Reply to tags :D

vanessa people bully me ):
vanessa no lah..not bully is like...disturbing...feel like slapping him loh... ****!
Lol.Who sial ?

YANNiinqq , Compounds EHEM , JANA , u still baby do u know baby doesn't touch com unless u are smart if u are smart i am super smart , and hor Dun use the blogsite to defer
YANNiinqq , Compounds defence* urself .
YANNiinqq , Compounds Ehem u got bf , i vomit liao la , i vomit bleed liao la . Most hor who the chio one ? CONFIRM IS GOD MAMA LA , that me.
YANNiinqq , Compounds PLEASE HOR WANT FIGHT COME OUT AMK VIRTUAland la , dun see me like smart girl , got gangster dde. PUSI !
YANNiinqq , Compounds Eh , xinyi both the A and the KnS , spam liao <3`
Lol. Lax uh Airen :D Anyway , thanks uh ! (:

suling:) lp <3 relinked ^~^
Thankyou Laopo :O

ChongJun Nuer , help u spam liao .
ChongJun Btw tag .
Hah,Thankyou (:

Jana So`not yoour freaking prob .You speak chinese I can speak malay more !
Jana Your pepek takde bulu peh /Ony know how scratch it .Wah you got sensor ish it you can see who got breast cancer . eww PERVERT SIARR
Jana Who sae I dunno Lana / Last time she in the basketball team wif me...Wah so scared ony know ask ppl to spam youo no hand arhs?
Jana So i tell youu , think before you type
Lol. You sure mah ? You think before you talk lah ! (:

CINDY-JANA Fxuker sial you diam hor , laopubor . You say you knw lana derhs hor , i go ask her , if she say she dnt knw , you wait & see . knw one person does
CINDY-JANA nt mean you see her before knw her liao , is you really gt talk t her everyday , pls lah , dnt steb one so close t lana lah hor ,
Lol. Mama so good in vocab uh (:

Amanda dun act gangster too !
Amanda cb lahs , parents die nobody teach you lioax .. so sad !
I Fuckyourmama uh (: You bigbutt ass (:

YANNiinqq , Compounds airen , ni hao chio , please relink me if have time link
Lol. Ofcourse lah. Ie hate all AMANDA :D Except AmandaTan (:
Lol. As if its true. Relinked :D

ChongJun relnk wo nuer link
Hah , okay :D

Crislyn Hais nuer ah nuer , relac ah! Nothing is going to happen to you dee lahh ! (: Mama loves you kay
Hah , loves Mama oh :D

Dawn relink miie at un-found-ed-love.blogspot.com
Dawn =) ***********hehe press wrong
Hah , okay Mama :D You mojojojo :D
Huh ? Meaning ?

x33Candy Taqqies MeiMei (: .
Thankyou oh :D

Passerby What your blog song?
You're ? You sure you want know mah ?

CINDY Nuerhh , miss you :DMeetUp very soon:D
Nuer missyou toos ! D:

SHIYING helloo . tagged .
Thankyou oh Jie :D

Sunday, August 9, 2009

HappyBirthday Singapore ! (:
Iloveyou more than him ! :D

Will reply to tags ASAP (:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

To AmandaLey ,
Eh. Hello Miss.
I'm now okay w Jana alr.
Left you only lah.
Please lah. You say people Bigbutt ass , you ownself also lah.
What you want lah ?
You got Jestin big fxck uh ?
Then kindly Fxckoff lah horh ! :D

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

To Jana ,
Lol . I'm pro enough .
Not like you kana Lan uh.
Wuji lai uh (:
Limbu wait you drink kopi uh.
Lol. I treat you.
Cause you no money buy kopi (:
Lol. I where got say myself Chiobu sial ?
You pajiao uh ?
Judge your mother die lahh horh .
You want play w me ,
bring it on manzxc .
Lol. I got face or whatever cancer you got breast cancer ah ?
Ofcos . Your breats is just artificial lahh.
Don't step one lian please lahh .
You how old alr.
So damn loads childish .
Know your mother die uh ?
Show me how good is your scoldings okay ?
Biatch ! :D
& please don't hind behind th computer
& be a keyboard gangster yeh ?
Its just disgusting .
With your mother dieing love lah !
& lastly ,
don't know how to spell ,
say out lah .
I help you spell .
Don't know how to spell then don't use.(:

Jana th bitch :D
Go delete my tag for her .
Lol. I also wanted to delete her tags for me.
Lol. Its just dirtying my tagboard sial.
Lol. Go her blog ,
Spam it if you want (:
She provide goooood services (:
Her intro was like describing her as if she is so 'perfect' manzxc.
I'm so jealous sial.
Jana , please .
I'm begging for th first & last time .
Can you just lend me your face for 1 day or just a minute ?
Please lahhhh .
Whatever ! :D
Booooo ! Don't cry lah horhs Baby :D

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lol . I also want act as you ley.
Whats th prob with you manzxc ?
I'm writing th truth on blog yeh ?
So , even if you tell kenny 'bout it .
Don't mind tooo (:
Yeah you bigbutt ass ! (:
& Why should we say sorry to you.
We're just asking for a sorry.
& Yet you want things become bigger.
Yesterday talk nicely to you.
Shout at me like as if I did wrong something.
& I know that if Kenny really possibly say sorry ,
Its because of th sake of Keyan right ?
Lol . Use your butt think lah .
Is not we want him help one.
Is just that he want to faster settle it.
So , no other bad intensions .
Whatever , don't be so guailan can ?
Thankyou verymuch ! :D

To wofg ,
Lol. You care so much for ?
I quit -InfluenzaA- got huan tio you meh ?
You tell me your audi ign uh.
Say so much.
As if -InfluenzaA- is damn goood & fantastic.
At least K-Dance is bettar yah ?
Lol. If I got H1N1 sure spread to you first uh.
Yeah , I'm so damn loads in -InfluenzaA- ,
So I decided to leave whats .
Any problem ?
Lol. You ask -3 kick me uh.
I don't mind .
As if she really will kick me.
You sure everybody hate me mah ?
I think is you lorhs !
Who is th somebody uh ?
Whatever ! :D

Monday, August 3, 2009

Just to clarify something ,
Me & _______ is not trying to break you two up.
So don't malign us can ?
Thankyou verymuch ! :D

To _____ ,
You think you very big uh ?
Lol. I know you saikang big .
I talking to ______ got huan tio you meh ?
Even if you want say , at least don't ask people help you pass message lahhhs .
Want say , say right infront of us uh .
& We also never say or scold until you .
Then why you keep saying bad things behing us & spreading around ley .
& this thing also never concern you .
You care so much for what sial ?
& yeah , if you see this post .
Reflect & think about it lahhh .
We're not pursueing th matter if you say sorry lahh.
Cause is you say bad things about us first mah.
We're already treating you very good alr.
There is a limit to our patience.
Don't be so fussy lah.
Is you salah first ley.
If we do anything to you ,
dont't blame us horhs !

Posted by/for Leeling :
To _____ ,
Seriously ,everything in this matter starts from you.
If you never say anything , everything won't happen.
If you never say anything about me & _____ ,
nothing would have happened ,
& nobody will care so much about this matter.
Everything starts from you ,but you push all th blame towards me.
Hey , whats th problem with you manzxc ?
You think what ? People will go with your things meh ?
Seriously ,I don't want to write any vulgar to you . Just because you're once my so-called 'sister'.
I've been very patient to you .I already treated you as a younger sister just beacause of your actions.
I already told you that. However , you seems to take it for granted .
Lolxs . I known I've done wrong by treating you this.
However ,this time I won't take this matter like it did not happen.
You are damn fucking man this time.
I already have stead lerh , you can don't wreck things up ?
I really hope that I can cherish this relationship & will love him wholeheartedly .
But , because of you & him , I can't .
You should know this.I have stead already .
But , you told others that me & _____ like a boy .
Nvm , this is rumours.
But , you told the boy's stead.
Walao,you want to wreck their relationship meh ?
I don't jump into concussion anyhow.
I remember that when _____ & _____ stead , you cut in .
And everybody thinks that you wanna break them up.
So now , everyone also jump to this concussion.
Then ,people in E-Class speard news about this .
" Me & _____ likes ________ ."
HAHAHAHAH ! Isn't this funny ?
Both me & _____ are damn dulan about this after friends from E=Class told us.
Okay ,we went find the girl who spread.
Then ,she told us is you.
Boy , you are always beside us & you never said anything.
We went confront you . Then you blahblahblah .
Of cus , I'm not happy with th way you talk.
Those people who are there , also said that its damn dulan to saw your attitude.
Then you told _____ that its because of my attitude.
Hey ,I know myself.
If you never make me dulan/bueysong ,
I won't talk like this.
Okay , sua , I don't care about this liao.
After this , you push all the blame towards me.
Say I , keep wanting to pursue this matter.
Fuck.Its you.
Not me, if you & _____ say sorry ,
I very happy liao.
Cause everything starts from you mahhh !