Monday, September 7, 2009

Gagagaggagagaggagu ! :D
I'm back ! :D
Sorry for not posting for a longlong time :(
Hah , anyway ,
Heree for quiz timee ! (:

All of the 14people must do tis quiz , unless he/she doesnt have a blog ?
Write th names of the 14 people ue can think off the of urs head , then answer the questions .

1.Crislyn Mama ♥
2.Karis Meimei ♥
3.Jane Mama ♥
4.Leeling Mama ♥
5.Dawn Mama ♥
6.Eileen Jiejie ♥
7.Connie Jiejie ♥
8.Cheryl Precious ♥
9.Xinhui Xingan ♥
10.Amanda Tan ♥
11.Yeeyong Jiejie ♥
12.Momo B.tchpartner ♥
13.Elaine Poopy ♥
14.Cindy Mama ♥

1. How ue get to meet 7 ? Connie(:
Our brothers ! (:

2. What would ue do if ue n 13 never met ? Elaine(:
Lol. Idk.

3. What would ue do if 1 n 12 date ? Crislyn & Momo(:
Lol. I'would be elated ! But,don't snatch from meeeee :P

4.Have ue ever seen 14 cry ? Cindy(:
Yeah,cause of some problems.

5.would 4 & 11 be a good couple ? Leeling & Yeeyong(:
Nope,they aren't lesbians :D

6. Do ue think 11 is attractive ? Yeeyong(:
Yeah. She's unique.

7. What issh 2 favourite colour ? Karis(:

8. When was the last time ue talk to 9 ? Xinhui(:
Not talk.But chat at msn & tagboards.

9. What language does 8 speak ? Cheryl(:
Chinese,English & dk alr.

10. Who ishh 13 going out with ? Elaine(:
Ermmm,Natasha or Jolene ?(:

11. What grade is 12 in ? Momo(:
Not suree.

12. Would ue ever date with 10 ? AmandaTan(:
Nope. I'm not a lesbian :S

13.where does 5 live ? Dawn(:

14. What is the best thing about 3 ? Jane(:
She's BabyInsane !(:

15. What would ue want to tell 10 now ? AmandaTan(:
Lastlong w him & gans (:

16. What the best thing about 8 ? Cheryl(:
Kind & Friendly (:

17.Have ue ever kissed 5 ? Dawn(:

18. What was the best memory ue have with 7 ? Connie(:
When we meetup w each other (:

19. When issh the last time ue going to see 6 ? Eileen(:
Forgotten >

24.Do ue hate 12 ? Momo(:
Nope. I love her kaysss ? <3

35. Do ue noe secerts about 9 ? Xinhui(:

36. Describe the relationship between 12 n 14 ? Momo & Cindy(:
Ermmm,they don't know each other :D

37. Best thing about ur friendship with 9 ? Xinhui(:
We're both tiongxim ! :D

38. What was the worst things about 6 ? Eileen(:
She's a AhLian.

39. Have ue ever had a crush on 12 ? Momo(:
Yeah. I'm so in love w her !:D

40. Does 14 has a girl/boyfriend ? Cindy(:
Just broken away.

41. Have ue ever wan to punch 1 face ? Crislyn(:
Nahh,she's too chiooo.

42. Has ue meet 2 mother ? Karis(:

43.How did ue get to meet 3 ? Jane(:
School (:

44. Did ue ever physically hurt 3 ? Jane(:
Nopes. I'm not a dog abuser :D

45. If ue gib 14 $100 ,how 14 will spent it on? Cindy(:

End of quiz .


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