Sunday, May 31, 2009

Crislyn♥黄昱达 Hi Daughter <3 :thumbsup:
Reply :LOL .Hi mummy <3

----xJEWEL Boo, twin [: ! Here to tag <3<3. Play with you audi someday yaas? :D.
Reply :LOL Elmo <3 Surezxc .

karis taqqed:]
Reply :Thanks Meimei <3

Bytch Honeypiie. relink mi, & cn i hb ur fone no.Loveyou so much!
Reply :LOL .Relinked .Ermmmmms .No handphone (:
Bytch oh dhen nbm(:ILOVEYOU!cn online
Reply :Loveyou toos <3

Jolene Hell-ohs , mei ♥ tagged [: . rmbr t tagg bk yeahhs ? >< xie le !:DD
Reply :Thanks Jiejie <3 Surezxc :D

Crislyn♥黄昱达 Love you lotslots, nuer(L)
Reply :Loveyou loadsloads toooooooos Mummy <3

-LAOP0 Linked
Reply :OhThanks <3

!Kimiko says : Ahahas:D Muackkzxcs .
Reply :Hahahs .Loveyou to th maxzxc :D

vanessa *link
Reply :Huh ?

x33Candy taqqies . i don wish t but i must . haha kiddinq . Meimei <3
Reply :LOL .What thing ?

x--GHOST--x link me :)
Reply :LOL .Okays .

Dawn tags nuer
Reply :Thanks Mummy <3 Lastlong ohs .

Crislyn Where you ohhhh ?
Crislyn With?
Crislyn Okie, takecares<3
Reply :LOL .You shld know barhs .

★Devil★ ps relink:X
Reply :LOL .You're ? Your link ?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Seah Xin Hui ❤ Chio bu ; imma here to tag you , good enough uh ?:X
Seah Xin Hui ❤ lalala
Reply :Eh ,Don't say until ie force you tag me like that leis .LOL .

! Kimiko says : Precious (L) ; tagged yo , loves .
! Kimiko says :Precious <3 ! Taggedyo (: Loveyatons .
Reply :LOL .Love you toos (L) Muaaaaaaacks ! :D

Leeling Meow Meow , Taqq-ed ! LOVES ! (:
Reply :Thanks Mummy (:

Sybil Hello. Linked
Reply :Hello .Thanks (:

-3 ah mei tag tag yoz.. :D
Reply :LOL . Thanks AhJie (:

karis taqqed:]
Reply :Thanks HeKaiKai :D

♥愛Baby. MO M O loveyou.
Reply :Thanks BitchPartner (L) Loveyou toos <3

x33Candy Meimei Taqqies <3
Reply :Thanks Jiejie <3

huajie superwoman <3 !
Reply :Superwoman (L)

Seah Xin Hui ❤ Che , why not ?
Seah Xin Hui ❤ =x
Reply :Cause I happy marhs (:

All tags replied :D

My T-score is 164 :D

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Yooooooo :D
Hacker of th day :D
See him ,scold him :D
Thanks (:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yoyoyoyo :D
I'm back :D
Just woke up .
Crislyn's still asleep .
Ass -.-

Now ,I'm so lonely .
Crislyn ,Connie & Benjamin's asleep .
& I'm so lonely facebooking myself .
So uploaded quite many pictures .
Oh .


My blog is dead -.-
Currently at Benjamin's house .
W Crislyn & Connie .
Damn sian -.-
Will post again later :D

Reply to tags (:

CINDY Bo liang xin deh , go eat shyt lah . Knn , still copy tht bytch take photo , chi da bian lah =.=
Reply :LOL .Changed alr . Happy ?

xinhui❤ Hah , (L)
Reply :LOL .(L)

vanessa vanessa jie is here...LINK
vanessa so nice the classroom tables now....not fair
Reply :LOL .Wher got nice ? Same whats .

Crislyn Nuer, relink(:
Reply :Ohokays Mummy <3

x33Candy Mei , paiseh hor , i choose 1 of euur bloq sonq & put on my bloq , paiseh lah , Vewwie nice eh : ) Btw,Thank euus & Taqqies <3
Reply :-.- Okays .

❥忠心BabyInsane Nuer ! came to tag wor . later ue say ii neber tag hahas !
Reply :LOL . Thanks Mummy (:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Came across Poopy's blog ,so decided to do (:

Conldn't find names for F,I,R,U,V,W,X,Y & Z .

Rules are , you spell the person's full name. If you don't know, its okay just type what you know. Name first then surname. Tag each name mention. If the spelling is wrong people please don't mind.

A. AmandaTanMeiHua

1) Do you love this person?
Quite ? :x

2) Is this person your enemy?
Nopes (:

3) Is this person taller than you?
Yes ! D:

B. BehLeeLing

1) What do you really think of this person?
Guitar Club ! (:

2) What’s their favourite color?
Not sure .

3) Ever danced with them?
Nopes & Won't want to (:

C. CrislynQuikXinYu

1) Do you like this person?
Ofcourse ! She's my Laogong ehs ! (:

2) Where did you meet this person?
In lk & School .

3) How old is he/she?
13 .

D. DawnQeckKeJun

1) Is this he/she your best friend?
Quite ? :C

2) Biggest regret?
Secret (:

3) Best thing about this person?
She's adorable although she's my mum (:

E. ElainaXueQiXuan

1) Have you met their parents?
Yeahs ,while i'm in her house (:

2) Worst thing about this person?
I'm not sure .

3) Best thing about this person?
She's tx :D


1) Have you ever dated this person?

2) When is the next time you will see him/her?

3) Do you go to school with them?

G. GaryLamJunJie

1) Is he/she a good listener?
He's an asshole (:

2) Have you ever lied to this person?
Always :D

3) Is this person nice?
Like dabian larhs . Idiotic Barstard :D

H. HoXinNi

1) What year is he/she in?
Secondary 2 .

2) Best thing about this person?
Dk .

3) Ever done something illegal with this person?
Cannot remember D:


1) What is this person’s favourite food?

2) How did you meet this person?

3) Do you trust him/her?

J. JaneGohMeiBin

1) Does he/she have any siblings?
2 sisters & 1 brother .

2) Do you know his/her favourite song?
Loads &loads .

3) What would you do if he/she confessed he/she liked you?
She should :D

K. KarisHoKaiLin

1) How old were you when you first met?
Primary 6 .

2) How did you meet?
In school .

3) Ever danced with this person?
Nopes .

L. LanaChuaJingYi

1) What would you do if you had never met this person?
Be friends :D

2) Do you like him/her?
Quite ? :x

3) Would you go to Disney World with this person?
Got money then say :D

M. MarcusYeoZongXian

1) Is this person quiet or loud?
Quiet :D

2) Name a friend that both of you are close too?

3) What color eyes does this person have?

N. NicoleNgWeiYin

1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Girlfriend :D

2) Have you seen this person cry?
Yeahs D:

3) Do you know this person’s middle name?
Simi lai derhs ?

O. OngYeeYong

1) Are you related?
Yeahs :D Jie & Mei :D

2) Could you live with this person?
Last time ?

3) Do you believe this person is gay?
Definitely NO ! :D

P. PhibertChanHsiangJie

1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?

2) How about a sleepover with them?
Will not happen :D

3) Does this person have a job?
No .


1) Have you heard this person sing?

2) Do you think this person will repost this?

3) Whats one thing you would change about this person?

S. SeahXinHui

1) Is this person taller than you?
Same ?

2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her?

3) Do they live close to you?
Nopes .

T. TanShiHui

1) Will you do something for him/her?
Example ?

2) Have you been to his/her house?
Yeahs .

3) Is this person a dipshit?
No larhs !


1) Is this person in a relationship?

2) Do you know where he lives?

3) What colour hair does this person have?


1) Do you see this person alot?

2) When did you meet her/him?

3) Is this person your friend?


1) Is this person older than you?

2) Is this person single?

3) Do you speak regulalry with this person?


1) Why are you friends with him/her?

2) Have you ever gone anywhere with them?

3) What is one thing you would change about them?


1) Does this person wear make-up?

2) Does this person play any instruments?

3) What is their favourite sport?


1) Does this person have MSN/AIM?

2) Ever gone shopping with him/her?

3) Does this person have any special skill?

xinhui❤ Ehhh , here to tagggg ;B
Reply :LOL .Thanks xinhui (L)

Nicole :D
Reply :LOL .

x33Candy Mei , Taqqies <3
Reply :Thanks Jiejie (L)

Elaine Omg. Lol o:, link you soon.
Reply :LOL .Why omg leis ? Ohokays Poopy (L)

Reply :Thanks Andrea :D

Phil Tags :]
Reply :Thanks (:

----x3JASJAS ; Jasmine :] Hello, i'm from akk :DMind linking me up & leave your email down because i put my blog private& i wanna invite you.
Reply :Oh .Sures .My login email is Babycookiex3@hotmail.com & my normal email is xiinyii97@hotmail.com (:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Elaine & Xinyi !
Back to poopy & poopy .
Poopy ,let bygones be bygones (:
We will start our poopy relationship ,
Now & Forever :D


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My beautifui character (:(:(:(:(:(:
Play audition w me ! (:(:
If you're online ,pm me @ -----x3AhYi (:


Jiejie Wedding orhs ! (:
Jiayohs on your next ring (:
Lastly ,Congrats ! (:

Monday, May 18, 2009

Crislyn SPAMMER, she wanna t put you also LL -.- STFU !
Reply :LOL .

CINDY You good uhhs , give me one heart only , you rmb .
Reply :Change already narhs . 4hearts :DDDD

----xJEWEL Tags elmo <3. I won't be auditioning for quite awhile . Dun miss me so much :X
Reply :Ohokays ,but why ? LOL . I'll miss you very much ! :(

dd That Chiobu .
dd wad the ****ing hell
dd iobu -.-
dd pui loh,buang only
Reply :Change already leis Asshole.

Crislyn dd, stfu :D
Reply :Yeah lorhs .It's just a lil'doggy .Don't bother about it Mummy(:

CINDY-DD At least she chio-er than you narhs , you humjigao , foresure very buang de =.= , hahas . BLAHBLAH , spam w dignity lah , Bytch
Reply :LOL Mummy .Relax (: Later angry too much will turn old (:

HOXINNI Link me : D
HOXINNI link : D
HOXINNI Xinyi , you suck ! hoho , joking : D
Reply : -.- You good lorhs !

Dawn ps nuer + sorri i change blogskin n pls relink me at whiteheartsx3.blogspot.com
Reply :Ohokays ,Neverminds Mummy <3

ღ ----xJEWEL Taggies twin ! X: . I realised I tag alot leh . I so active ! Bhb :3
ღ ----xJEWEL Oh andand. Those who click on the link thing and see nothing that's cause u using mozilla firefox. must use internet explorer thn got ~
Reply :LOL Elmo .Not bhb ,its true ! Tag me more :DDDDDDDDD Changed to normal :D

Xuan ... taggie i grant ur wish
Reply :(:

i wanna be unknown le! rde
Reply :Oh . You're ?

x33Candy Mei , Taqqies :)
Reply :Thanks Jiejie <3

Leeling Taqq-ed & LOVES ! <3
Reply :Thanks Mummy (L)

ღ ----xJEWEL Cause my mum know my Sci fail angry me lerhs LOL X: .
Reply :LOL .Ie also whats .Ie this time so suey .Get super low for maths & Science .

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Crislyn♥黄昱达 Haha,lols. why cant see words de. i cant see anyth. Anw, tagtags <3
Crislyn♥黄昱达 Haha, nuer. I'm the first one to post oh, & yr links spoil._.
Reply :LOL .No uhs ,

Reply :Love yous toos (L)

ChongJUn Tagg
ChongJun U say you wan tagg rite ? i help you
ChongJun tag
ChongJun tag
ChongJun tag
ChongJun tag
ChongJun tag
Reply :LOL .Anyway ,thanks (:

----xJEWEL tags elmo [: wah. your chinese zai worhs xD
Reply :LOL .Tyco uh . Thanks Elmo <3

❥忠心BabyInsane Yoiis nuer ! marmii tag euu le :}
Reply :Thankyos Mummy (L)

x33Candy Taqqies :)
Reply :Thanks Jiejie <3

! YUUUKI says : PRECIOUSPRECIOUS ! <3 Tagged , lve
Reply :Thanks Precious ! <3

L爱ve.JOLENE! yesyes , you're mine. <3
Reply :LOL .

Mie ;3 , saw-ed eu tdae ♥ , long time no see eu ! ;D . loveeees ! tagg (: (: (
Reply :Thanks Jie <3 Lastlong ohs .

CINDY Bounce cb bounce , Bounce bounce bounce bonce
Reply :LOL .Last bounce spell wrong -.-

Reply :Okays lorhs .

Passer Tag~
Reply :Anyway ,thanks for th tag ,You're ?

Passer-by Taggies~
Reply :Anyway ,thanks for th tag ,You're ?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Changed new blogskin :DDDD
Results's out :
English :63/100 .
Maths :27/100 .
Chinese :80 & half/90 .
Science :32/100 .

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Leeling: Spammer , what's ur name urh ? Dare-ed to spam but dare-ed not wrte rea name urh ?
Leeling: Taqs Nuerr (:
Reply :Thanks Mummy (L)

YUUUKI , (:: SPAMMER ; Tsktsk , no life dog . She step lian & chio you huanlo eh ? At least she's better den you . She has got a beautiful face , not like you ? Bo face one . Haiyo , i pity your mother . :'(
YUUUKI , (:: SPAMMER ; Tsktsk , no life dog . She step lian & chio you huanlo eh ? At least she's better den you . She has got a beautiful face , not like you ? Bo face one . Haiyo , i pity your mother . :'(
YUUUKI , (:: Yup , if not you have ? I fxuk off ? You fxuk off first lar pcb . Buaysong close the web lar . Ppl inv you har ? Your head is useless . & your face is like DOG yep . Your mama flyy ;
YUUUKI , (:: That msg ish to =.= ; Anytways ; Precious ; tagged yo . Stay prettyea . ♥♥♥ ! ; Meet up real soon alright . <3
Reply :Precious ,its just a pethetic lil'doggy ,why bother it ? Thanks Precious ! <3 Okays ,you are loved !(L)

x33Candy: no life siam siam !!!!! To : Spammer .
Reply :Ya lorhs ,lil'doggy (:

=.=: lol she got a beatutiful face img ... eehyer .... fckoff and die lar ..... i dog wat abt you .. cat ?? my mother is doin well ....i got face no face where got head
Reply :You fxcking lil'dog .Shutup !

jiahao: ehs .. hi bet you know me ... anyway ...Cindy did not took the photo from your blog ... she also can took my (: so dun scold her fxck die (: thanks
jiahao: oh the photo is mas selemat photo de .. sry for not saying (:
Reply :ohohohohohoh ,i see (:

LIQIAN`: Hi xinyi. Hey spammer, wuji jiu write name, wow so big ar, why nt youo come find us? You so eh gan come la, why she go find you? Scared you hide only.
Reply :LOL Liqian <3

-3: yoyo tagged :)
-4: Tagged :>
Reply :Thanks Yeeyong (:

huajie: superwoman :D <3
Reply :Superwoman ! (: <3

Xueting: Link me,thnxs! dream-stella524.blogspot.com
Reply :Linked (:

Replied (:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

SPAMMER: You are a ***** , fcuk off lah girl , very steb ahlian eh , you nt happy jiu come find me lor , so act , so ugly
SPAMMER: LOL , candy , don't kpo lah ,if spammer bo life , how they sit infornt of the computer and spam , lOLS . Brainless *****
SPAMMER: To baby insane , you so ugly and so steb , no wonder you born they child so like you lah , like mother like child =.= . you nt happy you come call bugis find me lah buey song come jio me 1 on 1 lah
Reply :Oi .Cb . You cb kia larhs , Go scold my gans .You think idk you meh ? Fxck die you larhs !If ie go ,you sure you don't run ? LOL . Scared you humji only (:

x33Candy: Euu are sentenced death inthe name of jesus cos euu are a spammer . don euu know that spammer no life , euu have sin in the name of jesus ! AMEN
x33Candy: Euu Zha Bo isit ? Don hum la ... So Act de ni .
x33Candy: *YING WEI TA JI DU XINYI DE MEI* learn from Paris And Milan .. :)
x33Candy: hahas .<3
x33Candy: Btw , Where euu arh ?
x33Candy: Wah , Spammer Diam Diam lia0 Arh
Reply :Ya lorhs ! Humji marhs .

❥忠心BabyInsane: To spammer : ahboii don't kao bei my nuer nehhs . dont be hamji write ur fat name here :D she so pretty ii born de nehhs .
Reply :LOL Mummy (:

♥, L爱VE, J O L E N E: hm. peace can ? (: Dun quarrell. everyone relax! (:
Reply :Thanks Zuiai <3

ChongJun: eh spammer you diun kpkb la
ChongJun: date your ****ing name pls
ChongJun: fxuking**
ChongJun: come date down your fcuking name pls
ChongJun: date liao then i talk 1on1wif you ok ??/
ChongJun: dun humji pls
ChongJun: we brainless you lanlan
ChongJun: eh kannina dun jibai la . u also no better la .
ChongJun: scold ppl , look at you first .
Reply : LOL . Thanks (:

CINDY: LOL , why come spam my Nuer's bloq ? wan come spam my bloq lah , you sure ah , i come bugis find you , you must at thr hor , dnt boom me , if nt you die .she act ahlian so ? You huan lo so much fr ?
CINDY: nicole , you very funny leh
CINDY: connie you another lame one
Reply :LOL . Thanks Mummy (:

Nicole: Fxcking spammer, please go get a life then rather spamming other people's blog. Bodoh la. You want step one ahlian spam people blog come first out your name behind. Dont be a ***** talk behind com !
Nicole: I mean dont be such an arse talk behind com nia.
Nicole: Still say wnt find you ? Hahaa, i think you run liao lor ? Humji still wnt say come find me ? Wahlao. Small doggie go hide inside your mum's hole please.
Nicole: Dont so chekah. Want jiu put your name fxcking bigbig.
Nicole:Aiya. Enough liao la. She is a doggie So why should we waste time on doggie. Doggie wont reply to you LOL.
Reply :LOL .Relax Jie <3

jiahao: spammer ... lao bu chee bye lar
jiahao: knn you say find you right ... write down you name ... date and where lorx ....
jiahao: dare to spam here dun dare to write your name did your parent give you a name anot ... huh ... or should i name you doggy go away
jiahao: dare to spam dare to write you name lar ..... not happy ..... with us then you write your name and spam more ... if you write your name and spam
jiahao: that fine but you dun come here kpkb ... think you big fuk ar .... not happy .. ??
jiahao: want i give you my blog url mah ......
jiahao: dun dare to ralk anymore ... then go fckoff cb kia ...... noob lar hor
jiahao: talk leh ... spam more if you lik ... buay song lai
jiahao: tell you lar ........ she act your tai ji is it ... she ugly ... i think you more ugly then her 10 time
jiahao: and this is not your blog ... so just fckoff .... fcker
jiahao: tel you smth .. want anot
jiahao: you GO AND DIE suck my **** lar
jiahao: cork* i cant spell co(k
jiahao: doggy .... dun come here bark annymore i knoww you are bored ...
jiahao: and and and ... if you are a human ... then write your name plus get a life ... noob lar
jiahao: i tell you smth ...... she ah lians better then you .... NERD wahahaha lol ... spam more lorx see who win lar
jiahao: ehs i should not call you doggy sound ........ not good
jiahao3yeard old boy/girl: i should call you ......... nerd or
jiahao: go spam my blog i make sure you die ... and become rotiprata
jiahao: here my url ... dog go see my blog (: ... andif you wanna spam hor ...write down your fking name on your passport de
jiahao:(: thanks yeah ...... haha ... that all i have to say ... bye nerd+doggy
jiahao:get a life .... or drink your mum brest milk
jiahao:lol fine ..... spammer .. sry for scolding you untill lik that
Reply :LOL . Relax .Last long w Mummy ohs .

-JOLENEbreastf :Yo babe ;D Tagged . <3
Reply :Thankyos (:

x33Candy: Elows Mei <3 Taqqies . Btw , Euu qort qo see marmie de bloq arh ? idu whiie she say we bully small ones leh ...
x33Candy: Elows . Taqqies . Tc <3
Reply :Which Mummy ? LOL . Fxck die her larhs !

xinhui♥ : link linkkk (:
xinhui♥ : Taged .
xinhui♥ :Haahs (:
Reply : HAHAHAHAs , Thankyos (:

CHERYL , ! (:: Precious <3 , blog opened . Haaaaa ! Loves yeahs ; Meetups soon alright :D
Reply :Okays , Thanks precious <3

♥, L爱VE, J O L E N E: ZUIAI ( L ) , my blog is pricate already. tell me your mail in msn , then i invite you. (: loves
Reply :Okays Zuiai ! <3

ChongJun: Tagg ,.
Reply :Thanks (:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

❥忠心BabyInsane: Hahas . now mas selamat ur daddy means my laogong urhhs ? hahas .
Reply :Yeahs ! :D

----xJEWEL: LOL. your father!? i laugh :3. tags elmo <3 ! :]
Reply :LOL .Thanks Elmo (:

ChongJUn: fxuk sial you . the pci damn jiao
ChongJUn: sry bout just now at lk
ChongJUn: forgiv me pls
Reply :Wahlau ! You scold my father ! Ie dun care ! :D

jiahao: lol you very lame sia...your daddy is a stupid kia -.-
Reply :Wahlau ! You scold my daddy !

Passerby , :D: Omg , mas selamat is your dad ? You're in cahoots with him ? You're dead lah . Siao , -,-
Reply :Cannot meh ? No leis ! My father is innocent ! Btw ,you're ?

CINDY: Stupid kia , dnt snatch my daddy lah , my mummy is his lawful wife , your mummy can go stay w him in his %-star hotel
CINDY: 5 star hotel *
Reply :Wahlau ! You go steal my daddy's photo !

Friday, May 8, 2009


OhMyGod !
My father was caught ! -.-
Stupid police ,go catch my father -.-
Fxck off polices !
Daddy ,I will miss you very much !
Take cares in there yehs ?
Daddy ,you must be strong in ther (:
Me & Mummy will be waiting for you to come back & reunite (:
Daddy , xoxo .

Btw . if you dk ,Cindy's also his daughter (:

JOSELIN: Hey sister. (: Jiayou for your studies. (: JIAYOU! Takecares.♥
Reply :LOL .You toos yeahs ?

'♥CHERYL ;(::Precious ! <3 Relink me asap k ? ;DD Tyvm .
Reply : Relink-ed . But you privated leis .

❥忠心BabyInsane: Yoiis . Yeah we hab patched ! Thanks for the tag-ed yeah .
Reply :LOL .Congrats Mummy !<3 That means he my daddy uh ?

cindi: hahas, thanks for the tag ! u stay chio tooo <3
Reply : Ie not chio (: You then sweetsweet(:

hoho mummy::)tagged ;lovessss ~!
Reply :Loves toos Mummy ! (L)

jiahao: hello
Reply :Hello (:

Leeling: NICE :D
Reply : Huh ?

♥, L爱VE, J O L E N E: hahaa. lovesyouback! <3 hahaa^^
Reply :LOL . <3

Babyjana143~: Linked !
Reply : Thankyous (:

♥CHEYENNE:AiAi<333333333 I MISS YOU ! ;DDD Jiayous for exams!
Reply :Miss you toos Aiai ! <3 You Jys toos (:

karis: xinyii no have link mi
karis: i mean feature mi
Reply :Paiseh .Forget ,anyway ,featured (:

----xJEWEL: hai elmo :] imma here to tag ~!
Reply :Thanks Elmo <3

garyL.: hihi(:
Reply :Hello (:

Alicia,: Passingby, :)
Reply :(: Jie <3

Denise: Link le (:]
Denise: CHEERS =d
Reply :LOL . Cheeeeeers (:

CINDY: Haiz , somemore step siol , LOL
Reply :LOL .Wher got ?

All tags replied (:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This picture is done by : Jolene Zuiai ! <3
She's my new Zuiai <3
& Ie love her very much ,
Now & Forever .
030509 , Our love date <3
Hate her = you hate me toos ,
Zuiai , I love yoos <3

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Heyyos Readers !
Currently , i'm at elaina's house w Crislyn .
Then crislyn&i was laughing because of something funny .
Then saw **** , laughing till rolling on the floor .
ROFL >_<
It was like damnnnnnnnnnnnn funny :x
Later she come scold us urhs .
Not talking about it any more ,
Talking about th shiiiity oral i've on this coimng tuesday .
Goooodluck to me yehs ?

Iloveyous <3