Friday, April 17, 2009

The longest survey you'll ever fill up , Do the world a favour : Fill it up and post it for all your friends .Do this because the person who filled it up before you did not sit here for ages for nothing .Answer all the questions honestly, no lying to avoid stuff .
- Xinyi
Shoe size:
- 40 -.-
What are you wearing right now?
- LittleMissWhoops & Blue FBT .
Where do you live?
- Amk
Favorite Number/s
- Dk .
Favorite Drinks:
- GreenTea
Favorite Months:
- February : Valentines <3

***********Have You Ever***********
Been in a bath tub:
- Yeahs .
Swam in the ocean:
- Nopes .
Fallen asleep in school:
- Yeahs :x
Broken someone's heart:
- Think so D:
Fell off your chair:
- Have -.-
Saved e-mails:
- Yeahs .

***********What is************
Your room like:
- Messyyyy :x
What's right beside you?
- Wallet (((:
What is the last thing you ate?
- Hotcakes form mac ?

------------Ever Had-------------
Chicken pox:
- Nopes .
Sore throat:
- Which normal person don't have it before ?
- Nopes .
Broken nose:
- Nopes .

-----------Do You-----------
Believe in love at first sight?
- Yeahs .
Like picnics?
- Simi lai eh ?

Who was the last person you danced with?
- Crislyn & Cindy .
Who last made you smile?
- HIM <3
Who did you last yell at?
- Forgotten -.-

----------Final Questions-------------
Hate someone in your family?
- Nopes .
Diamond or pearl?
- Diamond .
Are you the Eldest?
- Younger .

-------Today did you-----------
1. Talk to someone you like?
- Yeahs (((:
2. Kiss anyone?
- Nopes -.-
3. Get sick?
- Nope
5. Talked to an ex:
- No ex -.-
- 6. Miss someone:

----------Last person who----------
7. You talked to on the phone?
- Crislyn ?
21. Have a crush on someone:?
- Yeahs <3333333
22. What books are you reading right now?
- Ie will read ooks dhe ?
23. Best feeling in the world:
- In love w him right now <3
24. Future kids names?
- Tom & Jerry or Jack & Jill <3
25. Do you Sleep with stuffed animals?
- Yeahs .
26. What's under your bed?
- Nothing .
28. Favorite locations:
- Dk .
29. Danced a slow dance with someone you didn't even like?
- Nopes .
32. Who do you really hate?
- HER ! 35. Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?
- Dk .
36. You lonely right now?
- Yeahs .
37. What time is it now?
- 5.13 pm .


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